Monday, September 2, 2013

Map of land owned by Jacob Springsted , Hope Township in New York . Look for Wall Lake at bottom of map

Map of location where Sally Boynton Springsted(stead) was born

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Lineage Book

Population schedules of the first census of the United States, 1790, New York

How to Order Older Military Service or Pension Records

Military Pension/Bounty Land Warrant Applications

Order OnlineOrder Online   |   Download the Form
Form Number:   NATF 85
Use to:   Order copies of military pension application files based on Federal (not State or Confederate) service between 1775 and 1903 (before World War I).

Categories of pension/bounty land files available using NATF Form 85:
  1. A complete Civil War and later pension application file (up to 100 pages), based on Federal (not State or Confederate) military service during the Civil War or later (includes the Pension Documents Packet.)
  2. A complete Federal pre-Civil War military pension application based on Federal military service before 1861 (includes the Pension Documents Packet.)
  3. A pension document packet that contains reproductions of eight documents containing genealogical information about the pension applicant, to the extent these documents are present in the file.
  4. A complete miltary bounty land application file based on service 1775-1855 (includes only rejected Revolutionary War applications).

Saturday, March 16, 2013

The USGenWeb Project

Keeping Internet Genealogy Free

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Welcome to The USGenWeb Project! We are a group of volunteers working together to provide free genealogy websites for genealogical research in every county and every state of the United States. This Project is non-commercial and fully committed to free genealogy access for everyone.
Organization is by county and state, and this website provides you with links to all the state genealogy websites which, in turn, provide gateways to the counties. The USGenWeb Project also sponsors important Special Projects at the national level and this website provides an entry point to all of those pages, as well.
Clicking on a State Link (on the left) will take you to the State's website. Clicking on the tabs above will take you to additional information and links. You can also use the drop down menu in the upper left hand corner which will also take you to the State's website of your choice
All of the volunteers who make up The USGenWeb Project are very proud of this endeavor and hope that you will find their hard work both beneficial and rewarding. Thank you for visiting!
The USGenWeb Project Team


Your Gateway to New York Genealogy and History

Census Finder

Finding Your Ancestors In Census Records

Census records are among one of the most often utilized tools for genealogical research.  Many censuses are recorded or transcribed and can be found online.  Locating free census records online can present a challenge.  With a bit of patience, you will find thousands of census links to free census transcriptions, census indexes and census images in our categorized directory. 
Just start with the drop down census menus below.  They will take you to census records for the U.S., United Kingdom and Canada which have been categorized all the way down to the county level.  This enables you to search for census data online quickly and easily.  If you want more in-depth coverage of census records, see the information to the right for details about the completion of the ENTIRE U.S. CENSUS.  To learn what questions were asked in each Federal Census 1790 to 1940 - See Census Findings
This can also be found on my blog pages

Friday, March 15, 2013

History of the Old Stone Church Coeymans, Albany County 1791-1885

                   History of the Old
                      Stone Church
Coeymans, Albany County


Historical Map of the Township of Aurelius

Clues in Census Records, 1790-1840

Experienced genealogical researchers use clues found in one record to find other records about the same individual. Although the first six federal decennial censuses taken from 1790 through 1840 contain less data than those taken later, they still contain useful clues that should not be overlooked. Date of Birth Military Service Immigration and Naturalization Occupation and Economic Data Conclusion

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Rand, McNally New York guide to the city and environs

Warren Township - Jacob and John Springstead

The remaining Indian titles within the County were extinguished by the 
treaty of Fort Stanwix in 1788. 

+ A tract of land containing 49,710 acres, known as "Chenango Town- 
ship," was granted to A. Hammond and others; another, containing 61,440 
acres, known as "Warren Township," to Robert Harper and others; and 
another, containing 1,000 acres, on both sides of the Susquehanna, was sold 
to Jacob and John Springstead, Josiah, David and Daniel Stow, David 
Hotchkiss and Joseph Beebe. Other tracts were sold to Wm. Allison, Jas. 
Clinton, Isaac Melcher and others. The islands in the Susquehanna 
were sold to James Clinton, at four shillings per acre. 

Towns of the County page 415

Howland's Isl; . a, in FV =i River derives its name fro* i Hum- 
phrey Howland who ac x dret ;.< by buying soldiers' scrip and 
took possession of it about 1823. rovi u^ tc Howland's connects 
with it it was known as Walnut or Hicko^ r sland, and was occupied 
and improved by families of "sq ftters ' named Stone, Spiller, 
Hyde, Butterfield, Campbell, Herrick, Woodward, Chaddock, 
Harris and Springstead, there being two families of the latter 
name. They had established themselves as a colony and built 
houses and a school supposing that no one owned the island. They 
were forced to yield to Howiand's superior claims, and, though each 
was paid something for the improvement.- made by him, they 
relinquished with reluctance the possessions which years of priva- 
tion and toil had secured, and which they had fondly hoped to leave 
as a heritage to their families. Harris, who was a minister, preached, 

44 Springstead Names

BurialsAlphabetical: Spi-Stag

Compiled by Elmer Dickson and Owen Thompson


Springstead Samuel

1870 LaSalle County Illinois Census
Serena Township
Enumerator - Wm. Fleming
Enumeration Date -  Aug. 29 - Sept. 5, 1870


1870 LaSalle County Illinois Census
Serena Township
Enumerator - Wm. Fleming
Enumeration Date -  Aug. 29 - Sept. 5, 1870

Saturday, March 9, 2013

1850 Federal Census, Waukesha County, Wisconsin,+WI,+USA%4043.0116784,-88.23148129999998&z=10
Year: 1850  State: Wisconsin   County: Waukesha   Sheet No: 450B
Reel No: M432-1009   Division: the Town of Brookfield   Page No: 899
Enumerated on: 28th of September, 1850 by: E. Fransbury
Transcribed by Regan Kanaley for USGenWeb, Copyright: 2005

LN |DN   FN   |FirstName        LastName       |Age    S C |Occupation                   Real   |Birthplace        |M S R D |SNDX |Remarks                                                                                                            
1  |1405 1450 |Picket           Ann            |17     F   |                                    |N.Y.              |        |A500 |                                                                                                                   
2  |1405 1450 |Picket           Squire         |15     M   |Farmer                              |N.Y.              |        |S600 |                                                                                                                   
3  |1405 1450 |Picket           Cyril          |8      M   |                                    |N.Y.              |        |C640 |                                                                                                                   
4  |1405 1450 |Picket           Mary           |4      F   |                                    |Wis               |        |M600 |                                                                                                                   
5  |1406 1451 |Pierce           Russel         |43     M   |Farmer                       300    |N.J.              |        |R240 |                                                                                                                   
6  |1406 1451 |Pierce           Mary R.        |37     F   |                                    |N.Y.              |        |M660 |                                                                                                                   
7  |1406 1451 |Pierce           James M.       |14     M   |                                    |N.Y.              |  X     |J525 |                                                                                                                   
8  |1406 1451 |Pierce           Edwin          |9      M   |                                    |N.Y.              |  X     |E350 |                                                                                                                   
9  |1406 1451 |Wheeler          Jared G.       |21     M   |Laborer                      1,200  |N.Y.              |        |J632 |                                                                                                                   
10 |1407 1452 |Phillips         Eli            |53     M   |Farmer                       3,000  |Mass              |        |E400 |                                                                                                                   
11 |1407 1452 |Phillips         DeSana L.      |40     F   |                             5      |N.Y.              |        |D254 |                                                                                                                   
12 |1407 1452 |Phillips         Jerome         |19     M   |Farmer                              |N.Y.              |        |J650 |                                                                                                                   
13 |1407 1452 |Phillips         Alba           |17     U   |Farmer                              |N.Y.              |  X     |A410 |Gender unreadable.                                                                                                 
14 |1407 1452 |Phillips         Homer          |14     M   |                                    |N.Y.              |  X     |H560 |                                                                                                                   
15 |1407 1452 |Phillips         Munroe         |11     M   |                                    |N.Y.              |  X     |M560 |                                                                                                                   
16 |1407 1452 |Phillips         Eugene         |9      M   |                                    |N.Y.              |  X     |E250 |                                                                                                                   
17 |1407 1452 |Phillips         M***ah         |3      U   |                                    |Wis               |        |M000 |Gender unreadable.                                                                                                 
18 |1408 1453 |Colby            Amos B.        |U      M   |Farmer                              |N.H.              |        |A521 |Age unreadable.                                                                                                    
19 |1408 1453 |Colby            Caroline R.    |U      F   |                                    |N.Y.              |        |C645 |Age unreadable.                                                                                                    
20 |1408 1453 |Colby            Russel         |6      M   |                                    |Wis               |  X     |R240 |                                                                                                                   
21 |1408 1453 |Colby            Mary A.        |4      F   |                                    |Wis               |  X     |M600 |                                                                                                                   
22 |1408 1453 |Colby            Melvin         |3      M   |                                    |Wis               |        |M415 |                                                                                                                   
23 |1408 1453 |Colby            Elvin          |7/12   F   |                                    |Wis               |        |E415 |                                                                                                                   
24 |1409 1454 |Philips          Russel         |51     M   |Farmer                       5,000  |Mass              |        |R240 |                                                                                                                   
25 |1409 1454 |Philips          Mary A.        |48     F   |                                    |N.Y.              |        |M600 |                                                                                                                   
26 |1409 1454 |Philips          Russel, Jr.    |23     M   |Farmer                              |Ohio              |        |R240 |                                                                                                                   
27 |1409 1454 |Philips          Irvine E.      |20     M   |Farmer                              |N.Y.              |  X     |I615 |                                                                                                                   
28 |1410 1455 |Springstead      Augustus       |50     M   |Farmer                       1,500  |N.Y.              |        |A223 |                                                                                                                   
29 |1410 1455 |Springstead      Sarah          |45     F   |                                    |N.J.              |        |S600 |                                                                                                                   
30 |1410 1455 |Springstead      Sarah          |19     F   |                                    |N.Y.              |        |S600 |                                                                                                                   
31 |1410 1455 |Springstead      Augustus       |16     M   |Farmer                              |N.Y.              |  X     |A223 |                                                                                                                   
32 |1410 1455 |Springstead      John           |14     M   |                                    |N.Y.              |  X     |J500 |                                                                                                                   
33 |1410 1455 |Springstead      Bathsheba      |12     F   |                                    |N.Y.              |  X     |B321 |                                                                                                                   
34 |1410 1455 |Springstead      David          |10     M   |                                    |N.Y.              |  X     |D130 |                                                                                                                   
35 |1410 1455 |Springstead      William        |8      M   |                                    |N.Y.              |  X     |W450 |                                                                                                                   
36 |1411 1456 |Grover           D.             |44     M   |Farmer                       1,500  |N.Y.              |        |D000 |                                                                                                                   
37 |1411 1456 |Grover           Mary           |40     F   |                                    |N.Y.              |        |M600 |                                                                                                                   
38 |1411 1456 |Grover           Milo C.        |22     M   |Farmer                              |N.Y.              |  X     |M420 |                                                                                                                   
39 |1411 1456 |Grover           Eunice         |20     F   |                                    |N.Y.              |        |E520 |                                                                                                                   
40 |1411 1456 |Grover           Laura          |14     F   |                                    |N.Y.              |  X     |L600 |                                                                                                                   
41 |1411 1456 |Grover           Daniel         |10     M   |                                    |N.Y.              |  X     |D540 |                                                                                                                   
42 |1411 1456 |Grover           Emily          |5      F   |                                    |N.Y.              |        |E540 |                                                                                                                   

Springstead (sted) (steen)(steel) 1690s - 1890s

Will of Caspar Springsteen

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

NOTES FOR Maritje (Anna) (Maria) WIGAND: PARENTS: Staats DEGROOT and Barbara SPRINGSTEEN. NAME: Also known as Maritje DeGroot.

CHILDREN of Gerrit SEGER and Maritje (Anna) (Maria) WIGAND 2 Elizabeth Styntje SEGER b abt Jul 1713 Schenectady, Albany County, New York. + 3 Staats (Anastasius) SEGER b 11 Aug 1715 Highland, Albany County, New York. M Susanna BRATT. 4 Frederick SEGER b abt Oct 1717 Schenectady, Albany County, New York. + 5 Johannes SEGER b abt Mar 1719 Schenectady, Albany County, New York. M Maria BRATT. + 6 Lydia SEGER b abt Dec 1720 Schenectady, Albany County, New York. M Adam BRATT. + 7 Elizabeth SEGER b 1723 Albany(?), Albany County, New York. M Johann Caspar GEBHART. + 8 Susanna SEGER b 1725 Albany(?), Albany County, New York. M Jan Pieter BRATT. + 9 Maria SEGER b abt 1726 Schenectady(?), Albany County, New York. M Simon (Springstead) SPRINGSTEEN. + 10 Gerrit SEGER b 1730 Albany(?), Albany County, New York. M Wyntje OLIVER NOTES FOR Maria SEGER: MARRIAGE: First Reformed Dutch Church of Albany. June 1, 1744 Symeon Springsteen to Maria Zeger. BAPTISM-CHILDREN: First Reformed Dutch Church of Albany. 1745 Jul 7 Casparus of Simon Sprinckteen and Maria Zeeger. Witn. Staats Zeegers and Susanna Brats. 1748 Jun 5 Garrit, of Simon Springsteen and Maria Zeeger. Witn. Isaac Lansing and Maria Rosebom. 1751 May 27 Magtel, of Symon Springsteen and Maria Seeger. Wit. Teunis Fischer and Magtel. 1753 Apr 15 Jannetje, of Simon Springstien and Maria Seeger. Witn. Johannes and Deborah Beekman. 1755 Jan 5 Staats, of Simon Springsteen and MAria Seger. Wit. Johannes and Maria Seger.

Springstead Property bouught by New York Stste

Marriage of Casper Springsteen

DTB Marry Casper Springsteen Groom: Casper Springsteen Bride: Jannetje Jacobs Event: Marry Date: Thursday, July 28, 1695 City: NDG Event: Notice of marriage Event: Proclamation Document Type: DTB marry Heritage Institution: South Holland, Formosa and VOC Place setting: Hague Collection Area: New Netherlands Registration: July 28, 1695 City: New Amsterdam-New York Species Act: Wedding Book

Friday, March 1, 2013

Jacob Springstead or Springsted

Birth: unknown Death: Jun. 28, 1849 Family links: Spouse: Sally Springstead (____ - 1845)* *Calculated relationship Note: Husband of Sally Springstead Burial: Granby Center Cemetery Granby Center Oswego County New York, USA Created by: Oh look, a chicken! Record added: Nov 13, 2006 Find A Grave Memorial# 16636795

Jacob Springsted Gravestone

Birth: b. abt Aoril 6th 1755 Death: unknown Burial: Mount Repose Cemetery Haverstraw Rockland County New York, USA Created by: Cindy Record added: May 02, 2011 Find A Grave Memorial# 69253609

Anna wife of Jacob Springsted

Birth: unknown Death: Jan. 13, 1838 Wife of Jacob Springsted. They were farmers in the town of Granby. Aged 80 years. Burial: Bowens Corners Cemetery Bowens Corners Oswego County New York, USA Created by: Oh look, a chicken! Record added: Nov 15, 2006 Find A Grave Memorial# 16664896