Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Warren Township - Jacob and John Springstead

The remaining Indian titles within the County were extinguished by the 
treaty of Fort Stanwix in 1788. 

+ A tract of land containing 49,710 acres, known as "Chenango Town- 
ship," was granted to A. Hammond and others; another, containing 61,440 
acres, known as "Warren Township," to Robert Harper and others; and 
another, containing 1,000 acres, on both sides of the Susquehanna, was sold 
to Jacob and John Springstead, Josiah, David and Daniel Stow, David 
Hotchkiss and Joseph Beebe. Other tracts were sold to Wm. Allison, Jas. 
Clinton, Isaac Melcher and others. The islands in the Susquehanna 
were sold to James Clinton, at four shillings per acre. 

Towns of the County page 415

Howland's Isl; . a, in FV =i River derives its name fro* i Hum- 
phrey Howland who ac x dret ;.< by buying soldiers' scrip and 
took possession of it about 1823. rovi u^ tc Howland's connects 
with it it was known as Walnut or Hicko^ r sland, and was occupied 
and improved by families of "sq ftters ' named Stone, Spiller, 
Hyde, Butterfield, Campbell, Herrick, Woodward, Chaddock, 
Harris and Springstead, there being two families of the latter 
name. They had established themselves as a colony and built 
houses and a school supposing that no one owned the island. They 
were forced to yield to Howiand's superior claims, and, though each 
was paid something for the improvement.- made by him, they 
relinquished with reluctance the possessions which years of priva- 
tion and toil had secured, and which they had fondly hoped to leave 
as a heritage to their families. Harris, who was a minister, preached, 

44 Springstead Names

BurialsAlphabetical: Spi-Stag

Compiled by Elmer Dickson and Owen Thompson


Springstead Samuel

1870 LaSalle County Illinois Census
Serena Township
Enumerator - Wm. Fleming
Enumeration Date -  Aug. 29 - Sept. 5, 1870


1870 LaSalle County Illinois Census
Serena Township
Enumerator - Wm. Fleming
Enumeration Date -  Aug. 29 - Sept. 5, 1870